Kegels vs Hypopressives


kegel pelvic
Here in this picture you can see clearly the pelvic floor muscle that is tightened through the use of Kegel exercises


Kegel exercises do have some success, but as with everything as we become more aware of how our bodies work we can begin to see that for some this success may be limited and Kegels solely on their own may not help those who are suffering from incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse




In the picture below you can see that although kegels may be able to tighten the pelvic floor, literally the very bottom of the pelvic floor, they would be able to do very little if your pelvic organs were already compromised and had started to fallpelvic floor. Kegels would be unable to strengthen the connections holding your pelvic organs in place. In fact if you kept doing loads you could find yourself with a hyper-tonic pelvic floor




In contrast by using your diaphragm and your rib cage, you can lift the pelvic organs and associated muscles upwards and inwards, strengthening connections and helping to restore your pelvic organs to their original places in your pelvis. By using your diaphragm correctly you allow it to connect with the pelvic floor muscles and deep slow twitch workhousbreathe_titlede muscles and myofacial connective tissue which all help to support your pelvic organs. Added to this with Hypopressive exercises are a range of poses that activate all the muscles round your body that bear any relation to your abdominal muscles (most of them!), helping you to take a holistic/all body approach to your pelvic floor and core strength exercise regime.

Come to a Hypopressive class and I can show you how easy it actually is to re-connect to your core!