Carmen Ditzler
Carmen Ditzler (Fully Certified International Trainer)
Based in Creston, British Columbia, Canada
Practicing Hypopressives for the last six years has been life changing for me. I regained strength in my core and pelvic floor, improved my posture, resolved issues of incontinence and reversed the symptoms of prolapse. I am able to live a full and active life once again and want others to experience the same freedom.
I have a Bachelor of Physical Education (Kinesiology) and a Masters of Arts (Environmental Education and Lifestyles) both from the University of Alberta. I am privileged in our wee town to be able to ask Joanne Gailius- Pelvic Physio of Full Circle Physiotherapy, many of my questions. I love to use my kinesiology background to help hypopressives work for a wide variety of people. I trained in Level 1 and 2 with Trista Zinn of Hypopressives Canada and Level 3 with Abby Lord of Hypopressive Scotland.
I work in person and online; coaching one on one and small group classes. I have developed a Level 1 practice deck for use by clients and other trainers. Ready now!
I can be contacted by email or at