Shona Lawson
Shona Lawson - Level 1 Coach
I started practicing yoga consistently when I was 21 and finishing my undergraduate degree. I found that moving my body in this way helped me feel calm and concentrate better.
A few years later I moved to Utrecht in the Netherlands and there I discovered Iyengar yoga. I became a dedicated student and in 2021 I decided to start training to be a teacher. In 2022 I finished my vinyasa teacher training and I am currently working towards my Iyengar certificate too. Teaching has been such a beautiful new evolution to my yoga journey, it’s teaching and challenging me in unexpected ways.
Yoga for me is primarily for my mind and soul, it has helped me built resilience and deepen my self trust.
While still in my 20s, towards the end of the Covid Pandemic I started to experience some urinary incontinence, this was quite distressing. It lead me down a path of learning about and trying to heal my pelvic floor. This is how hypopressives came into my life and they have been absolutely transformative in my healing journey.
What you offer
- Vinyasa Yoga classes
- 1:1 coaching in level 1 hypopressives
Where you are
- Utrecht, the Netherlands & Las Palmas, Gran Canaria
How to contact you:
- or on my website
Level 1 Coach