Michelle Burrows
Michelle Burrows - Level 3 coach
Michelle Burrows is a mindset and empowerment coach, advanced hypopressives trainer, women’s only kickboxing coach and eternal optimist!
Having her own pelvic floor complications after childbirth 11 years ago added to a thoracic spine injury years previously, Michelle was inspired to become a trainer and enable others to reclaim their confidence by restoring their posture, core & pelvic floor and enjoy the freedom of getting back out there, loving exercise and having a full social life again.
The further-reaching benefits of Hypopressives for easing pain and boosting mental health spurs Michelle to continually further her skill set whilst supporting men & women regain confidence and self-belief in their bodies again by allowing them to become the author of their own health by addressing the underlying cause, not simply just treating the symptoms.
Michelle offers one-to-one sessions both in person and online in addition to small group workshops and online classes and can be reached via 07855 942920 or michelle@getinspiredcoaching.co.uk for further details.
Level 3 Coach