
Pathways to Pain Relief: Insights and Resources for Your Journey

The dance of life - ribs and pelvis

The Dance of the Rib Cage and Pelvis: How Breathing Shapes Pelvic Floor Health

The human body is an intricately connected system, where every movement, breath, and posture influences the rest of the structure. Two movers and groovers in this interconnected dance are the rib cage and the pelvis, particularly in the context of breathing. This relationship between these structures is super important  for optimal function and health—especially for the pelvic floor.

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Oxygen’s Journey: Activating the Pelvic Fascia and Muscles Through Breath

In the context of the pelvic floor, oxygenated blood flows into the fascia and muscles, invigorating these tissues. The pelvic fascia, a web of connective tissue, thrives on this oxygen-rich environment, which supports its elasticity, hydration, and overall function. Meanwhile, the pelvic muscles, responsible for core stability and organ support, gain the ATP energy they need to perform optimally.

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Your Pain is Not Your Identity

You Are Not Your Pain: Redefining Yourself Beyond Your Pelvic Floor

If you’ve been living with pelvic floor dysfunction, it can sometimes feel like your entire identity is wrapped up in your pain. It might seem as though every moment of your day is dictated by discomfort, frustration, and limits on what you can do. But let me remind you of something powerful: you are not your pain. You are not defined by your pelvic floor. You are so much more.

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